Costa Vicentina Adventures

Porto Covo

Costa Vicentina Adventures is a Tour Operator specializing in People and Luggage Transfers on the Rota Vicentina.

The history and tradition of this region is very important for the company, which is why they created Daily Tours to discover the best of Costa Vicentina.

Hiking and cycling on the Rota Vicentina are one of its trademarks.

They are residents, knowledgeable about the region and know the needs of hikers, so that they have comfort and safety on their trip.

They know that luggage is very important for your journey to be peaceful.

Their experience allows them to collect and deliver your Luggage to the requested Accommodation quickly, taking care of all the logistics involved.

Spoken languages



Opening Hours
Every day From 9:00am to 8:00pm
Closed for holidays
All year
T / Whatsapp: (+351) 922 275 452
Luggage and People Transfer on Rota Vicentina.
Support and assistance during walks and bicycle routes.
Hiking and Biking Tours
Daily Tours of activities in the Region
Bicycle Rental


Luggage Transfer
1 Transfer includes 1 Stage of the Route (1 piece of luggage) - Price: €15
For each additional baggage (per transfer): €5
If you choose 4 or more Transfers we have a SPECIAL OFFER
Luggage must be ready for collection at 9:00 am and will be delivered by 4:30 pm.

Contact us!

    Book with us

    If you are coming to the Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, book directly with us, using the contact form on this page. You will be giving preference to companies that are partners of Rota Vicentina, that invest, know and preserve it. At the time of booking, your choice will make all the difference!

    Ensure a fair price
    Support the Rota Vicentina Association
    Favour the Partner Companies