Semniary ~ Tourism: a barometer of sustainability in rural territories
By Rota Vicentina
No âmbito da 3ª edição da Semana ID, Rota Vicentina Association promotes the seminary "Tourism: a barometer of sustainability in rural territories", with the aim of stimulating a working session, reflection and debate of possible solutions for a joint orientation on the need for evolution of the current models of study of this matter.
More specifically, the aim is discussing the relationship between tourism and (integrated) occupation of the territory, the landscape, the agricultural and forestry mosaic, ecosystem services, the local and circular economy, among other aspects. How to bring this reality to the statistics? Is it relevant? Are there case studies? How can we take the first steps? What would we gain, as a country?
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More specifically, the aim is discussing the relationship between tourism and (integrated) occupation of the territory, the landscape, the agricultural and forestry mosaic, ecosystem services, the local and circular economy, among other aspects. How to bring this reality to the statistics? Is it relevant? Are there case studies? How can we take the first steps? What would we gain, as a country?
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