Tour Operator
Andarilho da Luz

Born in 1998, tour operator Andarilho da Luz began its proposal of ecological therapeutic hikes in a innovative way of perceiving and carrying out walks in nature: seeing, listening, feeling, discovering, knowing, finding, interacting and transforming.
The daring was not only in the names of the products they've created: Hike in Silence, Crossings, Literary Hike, Zen Day or Solidary Tourism or Small Village Tourism, but in the way of looking, doing and positioning themselves in the market.
After many miles hiking, the joys and experiences provided are
moments especially kept in memory. Moments of happiness and transformation provided to thousands of people who have traveled and explored with them, from Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Spain, Portugal to the north, on pilgrimages to Santiago Compostela and now also on the Southwest, on Rota Vicentina.
Andarilho da Luz hikes to experience and reconnect to the state of being a child, proven in the looks and smiles of people who find expressing an original joy. This is an assumed passion: to walk like a child, that plays and delights in the simple ways and good things that rejoice the heart.
Max. 25 pax
Rua Irmã Celeste 110, Bairro Planalto
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
T: (+55) 31 3494 27 27
M: (+55) 31 988 64 28 10
AMAZÓNIA (BR) - programa de 4 dias em Reserva Mamirauá, visitando a mata de várzea protegida que desempenha um papel chave na protecção do ecossistema da Amazónia brasileira. A partir de 680 € (aprox) por pessoa
TURISMO DE VILAREJO (BR) - neste programa de 4 dias, poderá visitar as lindas cachoeiras e percorrer maravilhosas etapas de caminhada pelos campos rupestres da Serra de Espinhaço, cheio de experiências marcantes, proporcionadas pelo contacto directo com o contacto directo com o modo de vida desta comunidade. A partir de 330 € (aprox) por pessoa
CAMINHO DA COSTA | Santiago de Compostela (PT+ES) - Uma fantástica forma de chegar a Santiago de Compostela, partindo do Porto, no norte de Portugal e peregrinando durante 18 dias pelos caminhos existentes desde a Idade Moderna e que totalizam 260km. A partir de 2.439 € por pessoa (caminhada em grupo)
ROTA VICENTINA (PT) - programa de 15 dias, especialmente concentrado no Trilho dos Pescadores, onde percorrerá de Porto Covo a Odeceixe, caminhando e nos restantes dias visitará Lagos e arredores em tour guiado. A partir de 1.838 € por pessoa
Contact us!
Book with us
If you are coming to the Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, book directly with us, using the contact form on this page. You will be giving preference to companies that are partners of Rota Vicentina, that invest, know and preserve it. At the time of booking, your choice will make all the difference!