“Tourism: a barometer of sustainability in rural territories”
Friday March 31st in S. Torpes, Porto Covo
New video
Premiere of the new promotional video “The landscape we choose”.
Taradicional Ball
Come dance with us at the Semana ID party
Saturday, April 1st in Sabóia
About Semana ID

ID of identity. The essence of this region goes beyond the landscape and nature. Through this unique ID project we create connections with places, landscapes, producers, arts and artisans and so a conscious and truly relationship with this land was born. A essência desta região vai além das paisagem e da natureza. Com o ID criamos vínculos com lugares, paisagens, produtores, artes e artesãos e assim nasceu uma relação consciente e verdadeira com esta terra.
Learn more >

The first edition of Semana ID took place in 2021, exclusively online. In 2022, we went to the streets, hills and villages to celebrate, all together, our Southwest!
Remember Semana ID 2021 >
Remember Semana ID 2022 >
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