O Tarro


Located in the town of Odemira, nearby the river, the restaurant O Tarro is open throughout the year, and it is the perfect location to discover the flavours of Alentejo’s traditional cuisine. Working as a restaurant, snack-bar and pastry shop, opens in January 1st, 1969, being today a quality reference in Odemira. Fish is always fresh from the coast nearby, but if you’re a meat lover, then O Tarro, with its wide variety of meat dishes, is the right place for you.

Try the lamb stew, the meat “cataplana” or the scrumptious “Limousine” calf stake. 
The sweets, a family tradition, are still made according to António’s mother’s recipes. You can always order a sandwich, a toasted sandwich, pizzas, salads and other vegetarian suggestions for a lighter meal, any time of the day.

Entre 10€ e 18€

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