Zambujeira Adventures

Zambujeira do Mar

Established in 2017, Zambujeira Adventures its more than a transfer company as André combined several activities of tourist animation services in this project.

Gastronomy, the history, traditions, but also recreational and sporting activities, everything can be organized through Zambujeira Adventures.

The core business are the transfers, whether for passengers who need to arrive to the region, coming from Lisbon or Faro airports, and also which require point-to-point transfers between locations in the Rota Vicentina sections.

Not being able to carry out all the stages of the Historical Way, the Fishermen's Trail or the Circular Routes, it is possible to request personalized tours and thus get to know the rest of the region covered by the Rota Vicentina.




Cash or bank transfer
From 7:30AM till 8PM, every day
André Gonçalinho
Zambujeira do Mar
M: (+351) 926 862 120
GPS: 37°31'35.6"N, 8°47'01.8"W

Lic: RNAAT 723/2017
Passengers and luggage transfers
Transfers from airoports (Lisboa or Faro) to Rota Vicentina region
Transfers to and from RV accommodations
Transfers to and from any RV point
Individual and group touristic tours


Passenger and luggage transportation: from 15€ each

Touristic guide: price on request

Guided and self-guided tours: price on request

Bike rentals and bike tours: from 15€ per bike

Kayaks rentals and tours: from 25€ per person

Surf or bodyboard experience: from 35€ per person

Stand up paddle: from 35€ per person

Horseback rides: from 40€ per person

Diverse rentals (water boards, skate boards, others): price on request

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