B&B / Pensionen

Rosa dos Ventos

Zambujeira do Mar

Located in the most recent area of Zambujeira do Mar, this housing has 9 double rooms, decorated in a sober and simple way, with private bathroom, fridge and TV. All rooms share a common courtyard (remembering the ancient andaluzian courtyards), where a fountain gives a refreshed quietness, appropriate to the mornings and afternoons dedicated to reading or pure rest. For the ones who appreciate night life, the many terraces, bars and disco sounds of the most famous village of the Sw Alentejo, offers a more urban feeling in a rural atmosphere with smells and tastes of sea mixed with the perfume of pines and the Alentejo plains.

Its privileged localization allows a quick and easy access to the nearby beaches (Zambujeira, Alterininhos and Carvalhal), sports fishing, diving and memorable pedestrian walks or mountain bike rides.

Take the opportunity to get to know the region, enjoy the cliffs and tracks that follow the coast meadows, sometimes covered with corn, others with coloured grass where the presence of Limousine cows and horses is frequent.

9 Double rooms
20 pax



Aberto todo o ano, excepto semana de Natal
1 night for RV hikers (except in June, July and August)
A partir de 50€/noite para 2 pax com pequeno-almoço incluído Siehe Preistabelle
Cash and Credit Cards
José Carlos de Jesus and Dina de Jesus; Rua Nossa Senhora do Mar; 7630-786 Zambujeira do Mar; T: (+351) 283 961 391; GPS: 37°31’35.32″N / 8°47’12.51″W
wi-fi; Heating
Mahlzeiten und getränke
Serviço de pequeno-almoço
Not available
Not available
Gruppen und anlässe
No special conditions

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