Restaurante da Praia
Arrifana / Arrifana
On a privileged location overlooking Arrifana beach, Restaurante da Praia has everything so that you can make the most of Vicentina Coast regional flavours, in a true invitation to the long days spent between the ocean and the pleasure of sitting down for a meal with sand still on your feet. Among barnacles and the fried moray eel, the Monchique blood sausage, or the small pieces of toast with tomato and goat cheese, the appetizers are irresistible.
For the main course, count on delicious fresh fish, fish with pasta or octopus rice, as well as the grilled top sirloin Brazilian style, one of the house specialities.
For a lighter meal choose from a variety of cold salads and vegetarian dishes, sandwiches, crepes, toasted sandwiches and natural fruit juices.
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