Museu da Batata Doce


Since 2013, they first started as a pastry and snack house, but very soon they also provide meals. Recognition as one of the gastronomic references in the region, maily for the use of the magic ingredient called Sweet Potato! Mr. Paulo, the owner, it's also a sweet potato producer since early days, which makes the prodution guaranteed to supply the daily needs of the restaurant menu.

It is open all year round and its extended hours from 7AM to 2AM make it easy to visit for breakfast, a sunny afternoon lunch or a restful end of day for late dinner.

After sitting at a table, wheter in the indoor room, porch or garden, it is hard to choose from all the delicious options: swett potato-stewed Alentejo black pork cheeks, sweet potato octopus, vegetarian lasagna with sweet potato and vegetables, etc, etc. Finishing the meal with sweet potato and almond pie desert or with a sweet potato pillow cake, find no mistake: sweet potato is everywhere!

Its location makes it very accessible whether you are travelling through the Odeceixe > Aljezur section of Fishermen's Trail or the Odeceixe > Aljezur section of Historical Way, as both pass just in front of this restaurant.



15 a 20€

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