i Cervejaria

Zambujeira do Mar

Right in the heart of the busy pedestrian area of Zambujeira do Mar, i Cervejaria is the ideal restaurant for those who can’t resist live shellfish, accompanied by an ice cold beer or a wine suited to your taste.
Everyday, i Cervejaria offers a wide variety of live shellfish caught on this part of the coast as well as on south Algarve’s coast.

Their salt water tanks are filled with lobster, crab, spider-crab, ready to be cooked while preserving its fresh and ocean flavour. The appetizers include clams, baby clams, barnicles, razor-fish, among others.
For the main dish, you can try shellfish bread panada made with typical Alentejo bread, or the fantastic moonfish with a type of pasta and mint.




Entre 20€ e 25€

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